Parboiled rice is "par"-tially "boiled" (i.e. partially cooked rice). In other words parboiling means precooking of rice within the husk. Paddy is first hydrated, then heated to cook the rice and finally dried
Parboiled rice is ricethat has been boiled in the husk. Parboiling makes rice easier to process by hand, improves its nutritional profile, and changes its texture.
Parboiling rice drives nutrients, especially thiamine, from the bran into the grain, so that parboiled white rice is 80% nutritionally similar to brown rice.
The starches in parboiled rice become gelatinized, making it harder and glassier than other rice. Parboiled rice takes less time to cook, and the cooked rice is firmer and less sticky. In North America, parboiled rice is generally partially or fully precooked by the processor.